Gallery/Available to purchase

Original art work available for sale will be shown here. If interested, click the contact me links located at the bottom and within the menu bar.
Unfortunatley pictures often get cut off when posting online. Contact me for additional images if interested.

I also offer limited edition fine art prints! CLICK HERE TO VIEW

“Bamboo Life”
12×12 Scratchboard $250
Award Winner Adams County Fair

“Bee-utiful Bloom”
SOLD – prints available

“Chicken Scratch”
12×12 Scratchboard
Award winner honorable mention Wild Heart Gallery International juried exhibition

“Curious Watcher”
Charcoal on wood
Price  $200

“Antlered Sentinal”

“Want to Cuddle” 
6×6 Scratchboard

“The Caller” 8×10 Colored Pencil $120

‘Woodland Spy”

“Buzzing Blossom”
5×5 Scratchboard $95

“Gentle Guidance”
14×18 Scratchboard